Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Bad Behaviour Law

Last week, the city of Calgary voted to put in a Bad Behaviour Law. Meaning, fines will be handed out for certain items that are deemed rude, insulting or dangerous.

I read, just after this past, on CFRA, they had a poll should the city of Ottawa adapt the same rule. 93% of people that voted said "yes". Before you hop on the "let's crack down" phase, here is some of the offenses and fines:

Standing on a park bench: $50
Brandishing or holding a knife in public: $50
(using the knife, depends on how and where - fine goes up with more use)
spitting on the sidewalk: $100
fighting in public: $250
urinating in public: $300
taking a crap in public: $300

How standing on a park bench is the same has holding a weapon in public would be the same fine is one of the many areas of discussion.

Some of the bad habits not fined yet:

Throwing cigarette butt on the ground
sneezing in public
arguing in public
singing in public
having your music loud enough for everyone to hear
discussing politics in public

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