Friday, February 24, 2006

If You Don't Like the Weather, Wait Five Minutes, Part II

So, last week we went through a cold snap, this week it warmed up, but we got snow. And not the type that I spoke about earlier, we got snow - enough that twice I had to clean my car off (the fact that the battery isn't working, didn't make the job any easier). I don't mind snow, but to get this type of snow fall now is a little on the dishearting side. I mean, I'm used to getting this in November, but the first real snowfall in the later stages of February? I makes me wonder what type of summer we're going to have.

Now, as I said, it has snowed this week, but it amazes me again how it shuts the city down. Except of course for the weekend, all I've heard from people on the street and in buildings is "how great this snow will be for skiiing this weekend." Now, let me get this straight, driving in it during the week, causes all of them to forget how to drive, how to function and even for some, forget how to go into work. But by Saturday, this pain in the ass snow, is now SNOW!

Amazing what the weather looks like on certain days.

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